Hybrid IT & Cloud Services

Migration Services

Migrate workloads quickly and cost-efficiently


Migrating critical workloads to cloud, or from legacy systems such as UNIX to modern environments, can help you increase business agility, reduce costs, scale more easily and adopt new innovations faster. Yet the migration itself requires expertise and careful planning. GBM’s experienced team can help you identify the best-fit cloud infrastructure to move your workloads to – whether public, private or hybrid cloud – and seamlessly migrate workloads from any source.

With GBM, you have a partner for the complete journey. We can help you migrate workloads quickly and cost-efficiently, with efficient tools, streamlined processes and time-saving automation.

data center

Public Cloud Migration


Bridge the gap in your digital transformation journey between building your cloud infrastructure and actually running your digital business. GBM’s expert cloud migration team makes moving workloads to cloud painless, efficient and risk-free, to streamline cloud adoption.

If you are taking your first steps towards digital transformation, GBM can be your partner in overcoming technical migration challenges. Or, if you’ve started the journey and are ready to become a cloud-native organization, we can streamline workload migrations to get you up and running faster, and more cost-effectively.

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    Plan your migration strategy to ensure critical data and applications are kept secure and your cloud transition is seamless

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    Migrate with confidence using standardized tools and processes and our team’s extensive cloud knowhow

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    Optimize your cloud with independent advice on the best-fit multi-cloud services from major platforms

  • Public Cloud Migration
  • Re-platforming services